Sep 4, 2022, 4:00 PM

Army Air Force cmdr.:

Su-35 purchase on Iran Army agenda

Su-35 purchase on Iran Army agenda

TEHRAN, Sep. 04 (MNA) – The purchase of Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets from Russia is on the agenda of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi.

Commander of Army Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran General Vahedi in an interview with Borna News said that the Iranian Air Force has no plans to buy Sukhoi Su-30 for the time being but the purchase of Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets from Russia is on the agenda.

Vahedi also emphasized that the final decision on the purchase of the Sukhoi Su-350 fighter jets from Russia rests with the Army Command and the Armed Forces General Staff Command.


News ID 191025


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